Peru, as a multi-ethnic and multicultural society, which is made off a set of Nations with cultural manifestations that magnify our millennial roots, has forged a contemporary identity based on the material and insubstantial heritage legacy, tangible and intangible, developed and consolidated in time as only few countries in the globe have.

Nowadays Nations in the world realize the significance of natural and cultural heritage, considered as non-renewable resources, and they subscribe multiple international laws for worldwide cultural heritage preservation and conservation, which stimulates each and every Nation to create as National Policy norms to safeguard National Cultural Heritage within their jurisdictions.

Peru, has signed the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World's Cultural and Natural Heritage, endorsed by the Peruvian Congress through the legislative resolution Nº 23349 of December 1981. In addition, our country has developed and approved multiple national laws, such as the general law of the cultural heritage standards Act Nº 28296, although its implementation is somewhat partial and frequently marginalized by public institutions.

This gap between the public institutional standards and legal competencies causes extremely alarming and harmful acts contrary to the preservation of the Built National Cultural Heritage, which has motivated that the undersigned as civil society members and participants of the Forum “Patrimonio Vivo”, consider their duty to express to the authorities and community in general, the following:
1. Reject any public or private action that violates the protection, conservation and disclosure of the Built Cultural Heritage of our country, as the following emblematic and known cases show:
Lima: approval of harmful projects at the Historical Center (cable car, civic centre, Paseo de los Heroes Navales, Lampa - Emancipacion viaduct, Trujillo and Balta bridges, Casa Castilla, Plaza Washington, Parque de la Reserva, Parque Neptuno, Huaca San Marcos, Huaca Oquendo, Teatro Municipal; in the Barranco district: Plaza Principal, city express way, historic residences such as the one owned by the historian Gustavo Pons Musso; Campo de Marte and Parque de los Próceres in Jesus Maria District, Parque de la Media Luna in San Miguel District.
Ica: Cathedral, Sanctuary of the Lord of Luren.
Lambayeque: historic centers of Chiclayo and Lambayeque, (and) Hotel Royal.
La Libertad: historical centre of Trujillo, Huaca del Sol.
Callao: historical centre, Real Felipe Fortress.
Huacho: old market of Huacho.
Canta: sanctuary of the Lord of Huamantanga.
Cusco: Historic Centre and ancient convent of Saint Augustine’s block.
Historic centers of Cajamarca, Chachapoyas, Piura, Ferreñafe, Ayacucho, Huancavelica and Jauja. Lobitos camp - amongst other historical centers and archaeological sites.

In all these cases destructions, alterations and deformities have occurred which could have been avoided by following appropriate technical, regulatory and administrative procedures and listening to technical opinions besides fostering and promoting local communities’ participation.

2. the actions of the National Institute of Culture reveals the absence of a State Policy for the Conservation of Built Cultural heritage expressed in the lack of strategic planning and specific directives, deficiency of material and human resources and generally speaking in an institutional weakness with lack of leadership and summoning capacity.

3. Is in this context that we demand that the National Institute of culture:
a. reconsider administrative acts that affect drastically the protection and conservation of our Built Cultural Heritage, inheritance that belongs to all Peruvians, and therefore restoring the status of cultural heritage to the Built heritage that have become legally helpless as Ica`s Lord of Luren sanctuary and the Old market of Huacho, now exposed to immediate demolition; as well as acting ex officio to protect and paralyze works that have not been technically advised in the different cultural sites mentioned in paragraph one.
b. fully comply with the function entrusted by law, "... strengthen the national identity by fulfilling decentralized actions of protection, conservation and promotion, valuing and disseminating heritage and national cultural manifestations so as to contribute to national development with active participation of the community and public and private stakeholders " (, and as an entity that represents the Peruvian State in cultural issues also act upon International lawful topics assumed by Peru.

4. Exhort Central, Regional and local Governments to meet the terms of UNESCO’s observations and recommendations for cases such as Lima and Arequipa`s Historical centers, cultural sites recognized as world heritage.

Likewise, facing this serious situation that is being experienced by the Built Cultural heritage of the Peruvian nation, we allow ourselves to recommend and propose the following:
1. Our National Institute of Culture reorientation and strengthening so as to meet the objectives and tasks for which it was created.
2. Historic centers of the country, such as Lima’s, must have an updated Management plan, prepared in a participatory fashion and approved by corresponding institutions and executed by a technical – not political – autonomous body, with its own budget so as to ensure proper management and administration in accordance with UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre’s recommendations.
3. Encourage heritage buildings owners to conserve and implement in value their property with appropriate financial mechanisms, exemptions and tax incentives.
4. The creation of a Rescue Fund, dedicated exclusively to the Built Cultural heritage protection and conservation, whose economic resources should come from the State – a Canon percentage (mining and oil or Ports); tax percentage (alcoholic beverages, tobacco, etc.), as well as from national and international cooperation.
5. The appliance concerning expropriation, as a safeguard of built heritage in risk established by the Peruvian National Cultural Heritage General Law, Nº 28296, article 11.

Lima, May 24, 2009
Sofía Rodriguez-Larraín, Silvia de los Ríos Bernardini, Humberto Antonio Palacios Miró Quesada, Patricia Hidalgo Silva, José María Galvez Perez, Cesar Guzmán Colque, Jorge Vela Damonte, Mercedes Alvariño Florián, Martha Coca Balta, Marcela Villa Luna, Hugo Rengifo, Luis Deza Sánchez, Rafael León, Guillermo Rebaza Jara, José Rodríguez Cárdenas, Rossana Poblet Alegre, Cesar Maguiña Gómez, Abel Castillo Duarte, Hernán Pareja Mejía, Fernando Huamán Espinoza, Manuela Dextre Fuertes, Raúl Goyburu, Fernando Noriega Bardalez, Sonia Godenberg, Silvia Westphalen, Aldo Mantovani, Clara Inés Bazán Aguilar, María Paz Ballen de la Puente, Susana Biondi Antunez de Mayolo, Pablo Vega Centeno, Sara Lafosse, Manuel Lopez Mejia, Gustavo Riofrio, Manuel Castro-Torres Velarde, Armira del Aguila Aguilar, Adriana Scaletti Cárdenas, Mauricio Andrade Lazo, Alejandro Camino D.C., Johanna Hamann Mazuré, José Canziani Amico, Ricardo Huanqui Abeo, Audrey Laval (Francia), Gustavo Henrique Basanta (Venezuela), Manuel Dammert Guardia – OLACCHI (Ecuador), Kathrin Golda-Pongratz (España), Aura Victoria López (Colombia), Rocio Romero Cevallos, Antonio Gamonal Medina, Juan Pedro Santa María de la Serna, Fabiola Távara, Betsy Recavarren de Hermoza, Alex Sanchez Espinoza, Marlene Torres Trujillo, Lorena Castillo Devoto, Rosario del Carmen Ascencio Horna, Rosa Enriqueta Nieri Fajardo, Ada Gabriela Estrada Iberico, Rosa Benavides de Bayer, Juan Eduardo De Orellana Rojas, Luis Enrique Flores Bravo, Luis Miguel Urbina Ferrandiz, Mirko Leonardo Miano Escobar, José Luis Risco Montalvan, Rosa Lozano Torres, Mireya Escobar Berenguer (Cuba), Mariana Mould de Pease, José Correa Orbegoso, Rosario Santa-Maria Huertas, Martha Lazarte Salinas, Luisa Galarza Lucich, Horacio Aurelio Núñez Timoteo, Mario Sarabia Nuñez, Hugo Zolezzi Breña, Manuel de la Barra Chavez, Dora Yony Cruz Tello, José Jesús Guerrero Flores, Cesar L. Charalla Zegarra, Luis Astete Canal, Pilar Núñez Carvallo, Lilina Domínguez Ñavincopa, Ramiro García, Pedro Villar-Córdova Icochea, Karla Celi, Wiley Ludeña Urquizo, Carmen Suárez Olivera, Marlene Margarita Monforte Navarro, Jessica Esquivel Coronado, Rocio Milagros Ybañez Pareja, Isabel Moreno Rodríguez, Robinson Constantino Ortiz Agama, Luis Marquina Odar de Olmos, Rosmy Mercado Rojas, Guillermo G. Guerra C., José García Bryce, Miguel Ángel Llona Bernal, Teresa Montoya Robles, Víctor Mejía Ticona, Charlotte Burenius, Emilio Rodriguez-Larraín Balta, Carlos José Angosto Rahausen, Evelina Pest, Delia Ackerman, Carolina Kecskemethy, Eric Giebeler, Blanca Carranza, Virginia Mendigure Sarmiento, Juliana Barreto (Brasil), Nelly Amemiya Hoshi, Fernando Echeandía Vallejos, Violeta Pino Romainville, Killa Sumac Miranda Troncos, Tulio Olano Delgado, Azucena del Aguila Aguilar, Ricardo Morales Gamarra, Mirtha Maguiña Vargas, Elias Carlo Aguayo Cabana, César Alejandro Soriano Ríos, Buga Olinda (Brasil), Eleuterio Martinez Sanchez (España), Fredy Mendoza Núñez, Rosa Julia Martinez Navarro, Marbet Palomino Malpartida, María Isabel Fernández García, César Del Solar Meza, María Betzabé Roman Sosa, Fernando Rojas Urquiza, Samuel Yáñez Torres, Jorge Alberto Centurión Centurión, Elia Centurión Cárdenas, Fernando Rojas, Domingo Edgar Zamudio Nava, Eliana Gamarra Carrillo, Luis Enrique Calatayud Rosado, Ruby Bustamante Dueñas, Beatriz Sologuren Cappuccini, Giuliana Gutierrez Orrillo, Soledad Herrera Garcia, Alicia Huamantinco, Mireille Muelle de Marchand, Susana Dancourt Iriarte, César Huapaya, Elena María Westphalen Chanduví, Edgar Tito Santa Cruz Arana, Héctor Gallegos, Mirella Vargas, José Dante Raffo Samillán, Patricia Feldman, Beatriz Duda, Paul Piaget, Ricardo Clavijo Nieves, Luz Virginia Rojas García, Lenin Estrada Ortiz, Andrés Miguel Cordero Campos, Patricia Seminario, Eliana Aramburú O., Edgar Lucas Rodas Amésquita, Cinthia Patricia Giménez Arce (Bolivia), Carmen Dorothy Okumura Nagay (México), Miguel Angel Reyes Sulca, Cláudio Menna (Brasil), Oscar de Monzarz Stier, Barbara M. Green Speer, Antonieta Benavente de Valles, Giuliana Carrasco Solf, Alice Borelly Homberger, Silvia Liliana Villa, María del Carmen Delgado Rangel, Pedro de Manuel Gonzáles (España), Manuel Cárdenas Aspajo, Ernesto Schultz Avalos – CPRU, Javier Duran Leyva, José Beingolea del Carpio, Carlos Díaz Mantilla, Carmela Yzaguirre López, Javier Baltazar Ramírez, María José Patrick Vivas, Elsa Collado de Valentín, Carmen Florelí Cárdenas Flores, Melissa Thereliz Cabrera Rodríguez, Oscar Fernández Cárdenas, Hugo Álvarez Trujillo, Carlos Enrique Gonzales Cuellar, Germán Zecenarro Benavente, Katyana Isabel Rojas Alomoto (Ecuador), José Antonio Sanguesa Herrera.
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